Sunday, 29 April 2018

EXP2 Tram Stop

So I completely ditch 3Ds Max for this one, and I aint even mad about it. Why?? Well because my concept for this is simple ...

Concept = Combine "A Poetic Destruction" and "Combine works with the use of light"

All smooth sailing until I get to Lumion ... please see below

On the last two images above you'll notice that there is the beloved "Not Responding" text to let you know that it has crashed ... but of course it appears a half hour later because it's considerate like that.

The following are what the concepts are when mashed together;

See what I mean by simplicity ... draw some lines, apply golden ration, try to use the rule of thirds and add some different coloured pens for good measure ... a crack here and there too.

I also have my wonderful textures that took longer than it should have ... perhaps I should have been listening to Daft Punk rather than LoFi Chill.

Now for the fun part ... the model in sketchup but sans Lumion

3D Warehouse:

Yeah the plan was to get the sketchup stuff out of the way and dress it up all nice in Lumion nestled with the UNSW campus, trees, a couple of benches, some grass and even animated people ... please refer back to the top of the post. Also ... Chris ... If you have managed to NOT get high blood pressure reading this and have managed to get this far ... I have a report explaining the model that I can email you once you give me an email address.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Dear Mom

So I have come to the realisation that I am a teenager trapped in a middle aged asian mans body. But really I am more like a unicorn ... when I sparkle I shit out rainbows and axonometric drawings. Being a Unicorn I have the sad task of having to use Agile management for my assignments ... so for those that do know, if something along that task list goes out of whack and require resources to be forwarded to that task, ARCH sadly has to be one of them.

But let's not focus on the negative shall we ... yesterday I almost died of repetitive strain injury as I sat at my desk doing ARCH assignments ... iteration after iteration after iteration only to realise that I completely suck at axonometric drawings. If you have read my previous posts you will see that this unicorn did not put Axonometric Sketches as a skill ... but hey look ... here I am ... happy and shit (hashtag smile).