I sometimes have foot in mouth syndrome ... right Arlene?!
So I did not think that I had it in me to offend one of the nicest people I know, her name is Arlene ... but I call her Speedy. So in true ME fashion I managed to insinuate that Speedy was an innocent child ... of course this was not the intention ... but this is me and well sometimes people don't like it when it rains ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In my defence I was drunk ... it was Pimm's o'clock and I had one too many ... I challenge anyone to mean well when they've had one too many. Ok ok ok I wasn't THAT drunk I was definitely buzzed and my legs were numb, hate me because you aint me.
Later on I felt bad coz I thought I messed up when talking to Speedy ... so I sent a message to apologise for being stupid ... this is her reply;
"I don't mind you joking, I can take a roast. But know that I can take care of myself. I may be innocent but I'm not oblivious to the world. I'm 18 not 5. I don't need to be protected" - Speedy
O_o so then I apologised some more and because it's Speedy she did the customary "HAHAHA it's all good 😊". My head then shrank into my chest where I could hear my heart break as my soul choked it to death ... it's last words were a whimper "IDIOT". So here's a lesson to all you kids that care to read and even you Chrispy ... Women know what's up, what's down, what's left, right and if they don't know what goes on in your head ... you better tell them because they're gonna know that shit too.
It's all about perspective, and no this isn't a self help post or some discount book of pick me up anecdotes ... this is real life. If you've ever seen the popular side of Ayers Rock "Uluru" it's all nice and shit but then you go round the back and realise that even something as majestic as a red rock in the middle of "Don't drop the soap" town ... you'll see that it has a butt crack. Just like in perspective drawings, you'll have a one point perspective and you think you're the King of the fuckin' world but then you get a task to do a two point perspective and you're suddenly getting yelled at by your mom because you ate the slice of pizza she was saving for herself ... my god moms can be so selfish sometimes ... the pizza didn't have your name on it so I eated it.
Apparently I also have the task of doing sentences for these two point perspectives that links them to whatever ... bruh ... I'm about ready to start smoking again after a 2.5 year period and what you want me to do is speed up the no smoking process to a smoking one. Here's what's gonna happen ... you see each of these drawings ... well it's gonna represent the starting point of my bridge ... that bridge is gonna connect to the biotech building and if you know anything about biotech, it ain't gonna be a bunch of god damn cubes ... let me break it down with a few sentences instead (pause for effect);
"These perspectives represent the connection between the Squarehouse and the Biotech building, fusing geometry and nature with life's unseen symphony"
I wrote that line with an English accent ... Fuck I'm good XD
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