Friday, 22 June 2018

EXP3 Final Submission

If there's one thing I hate about society, it's their need to mass produce everything! Lumion however, is not society and I discovered the "Mass Placement" function ... FUCK YES!!! So ... my modular method of approach now has a funky modular roof.

My chosen architect is Bjorn Utzon and the blog post on that can be found in the link below;

18 Sketches;

Independant Study;

Texture Time;

My Sketchup Model;


My Lumion Environment;


Draft Lumion Renders ... I was going for modular here so that explains all the squares which is based off Utzons Kingo Houses

The following are the 5 real time captures of the developed Lumion environment

A youtube vid of my environment;

Moving Element;


Draft Presentation;

Sadly this blog has to die after I hit Publish ... it's been real ... also yes I have completed my survey! Thanks for the mems Crispy!

Monday, 11 June 2018

Ch ch ch ch chaaaanges

So our fearless leader Russell has changed the due
date or rather corrected the actual day to a friday the
22nd which gives us one more day. Of course this
will be the day when most of us will put down the
alcohol, wipe yesterdays hangover off our face and
actually start modelling ... well the only exception to
this would be architect students ... I mean you Libby!!!

I should write a book ...

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Classmate Reviews

We had to asses at least one of our classmates for their presentation for experience 3 ... so naturally I am going to asses Arlene. Now the only thing that was a complete disappointment was Speedy's lack of knowledge of her chosen architect Zaha Hadid (insert facepalm here).

On another note ... we still have an assignment due in 3 weeks ... or is it 2 ... idk.


This is my journey into experience 3


Then I was given this floorplan designed by Jørn Utzon:

I originally started using the squares to make the space and started scaling them to larger proportions but then Chris said that I could try using the space around the houses as the section rather than the floorplan.

The floor plan is based on the golden ratio.

This is the rough draft ... I want to add a curved factor when joining the modular blocks for contrast as it's connected to NIDA.

This is the the most PG-13 post I've ever done ... I'm semi proud of myself.


Hiya folks welcome to another episode of "Why doesn't my coffee guy put sugar in my coffee when I specifically asked for ONE SUGAR". Jorge it's not hard ... the fuckin raw sugar is right next to you along with forgetfulness and poor life choices. Then again I do apologise for my anger ... I go to uni which is the equivalent of waking up, going outside and showering in mud knowing full well that it's slowly seeping into your skin. The texture of mud is weird ... it's dirt then someone added water and good intentions. Textures are a designers best friend ... they accentuate everything like handbags accentuate a womans bitchyness ... you can tell which women are soul crushers just by looking at their bags ... Louis Vuitton = Bitch, Gucci = Higher class bitch that bitches on the bitches, Canvas bag = Earthchild with flowers in her hair all round amazing human being that you'd probably give up everything for (tear).

Our textures need to convey the feeling of movement ... probably would be easier if you could just have a word that says move and an arrow pointing to the surface it refers to ... but apparently it's frowned upon.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Modular mumbo jumbo

I'm stuck ... I haven't a clue as to what shape to choose ... At this point it would be easier to live with a hole in the head ... Please, somebody ... Send puppies, cinnamon doughnuts, a bag of sour patches and a bottle of tequila.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy

My Floor plan and section is based off that dude that has a lecture thingy named after him ... Utzon something ... Jorn Utzon. Kingo Houses is what it's based off;

Modular modular modular ... It's the way to go when doing anything landscapey ... I did a course in game design and that's all the drop kick of a teacher could go on about. That same teacher is also a corrupt son of a bitch who would sell his own mother if he could only lift her off the ground and throw her at the buyer ... fuck I hate that guy ... I don't like may people as it is but that guy I hate. This modular shit makes my skin crawl because of people like him ... the modular people all cut from the same fucking cloth ... you know what cloth I'm talking about ... that one cloth you use to wipe down the kitchen stove with all that grease still attached to it, so naturally you don't wash it because why the fuck would you, it's only gonna get dirty again anyway. But yeah I hate that guy as much as I hate Stacey and Stacey is the nicer of the two coz that bitch doesn't speak.

As you can see in the images below, I am trying to go for a golden ratio type of form because beauty. Although instead of boxes I do feel that I need to make the shape something other than just a box ... or maybe the connecting parts that hold them together could be a lot more organic.

I might go with this one..

I'm not addicted to weed anymore so naturally I had to find another outlet ... FOOD ... I can't function on an empty stomach (not that it's ever empty) and right now I can't think straight about the type of flow I want the building to have. Or is it a bridge but not a bridge ... excuse me while I go have my vanilla cheesecake!