Sunday, 25 March 2018

Aaaaaand I'm done!

There's few things I hate in the world ... a guy from High School, A mexican from TJ, popcorn husks getting stuck in your teeth and morons. I am now adding to this list Stacey and Sketchup. Why on earth would you make students use sketchup rather than 3Ds Max or some top shelf program ... I guarantee you it will be better than sketchup.

The model I had to make was based off the following two sketches;


The word above is "Stomp" and the word below is "Vintage". Please also accept this is my formal request to allow us to use the program of our choosing ... we should really have the whole brief as "guidelines" because uni  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here's the links to the other stuff;

Oh and here's the link to the 3D warehouse thingy;

oh and also here's the reference to the 3d models I got from the warehouse;


Thursday, 22 March 2018

But It's free

If my computer was a person and this person had a virus ... that virus would be called Sketchup. It's the cancer you find in a piece of KFC ... it's that piece of popcorn bit that gets stuck in between your teeth. Someone had the audacity to say "But Louie it's free" ... well Julia "Ebola" is free, do you see people lining up for that?!

So here's the 2nd attempt at Sketchup ... (Insert middle finger emoji here)

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Louie's Day Off?

Mathew Broderick never ages, he just colours his hair to make it look like he ages. During my childhood I would watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off and remain hopeful for a long time that my life would be like that ... pretending to be my girlfriends father (her parents divorced soo), driving off in my best friend's dad's car (he was poor) and singing and dancing in some parade (I grew up in Penrith so the best parade I got was the trolleys being collected by the dude driving the tractor around the plaza).

Well if anyone is up for it ... I think tomorrow we should all go to the city and go to some rich restaurant posing as The Sausage King of Chicago so we can stuff our faces with expensive bread and piss off the maître d' ... yes we would go to jail and sadly we have assignments to do ... but in theory we would have a great time.

One of these things is not like the other

Do you ever see those people walking the streets wearing those surgical masks ... Yeah me too. My brother works with one of these people and he asked "hey Michelle, why do you wear that"? Michelle responds with "so I don't breathe in the pollution".


Michelle I don't know you but for some reason I don't feel that you're too bright ... It's true life does have its challenges but I think your challenge is different to this. Those surgical masks barely keep out germs and are meant for dust or blood sprays .... NOT POLLUTION. It's like this one guy (not naming him) I knew during my time in Canada ... He said that he couldn't eat pork because he is allergic to it ... "So why are you eating that bacon" I say to which he replied "Bacon isn't pork mang ..." *facepalm*. Sometimes I think of death and that time was definitely one of them ... but in the spirit of diplomacy I kept my mouth shut and proceeded to enjoy my NOT PORK BACON.

Don't get me wrong ... I do enjoy life, and if you say I don't I am one chubby mufuka which should be the indication that I LOVE food ... food is life and here are the materials for my ARCH class.




Side note: I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing thongs ... I mean you don't see me shitting on anyone that takes those selfies with a duckface only Melanie Griffith would be proud of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Premium Spotify (Obviously non ARCH related)

So just a quick post while I sit here doing my work for every damn subject ... to those literal people out there ... I don't mean I am simultaneously doing all works, I am speaking from a figurative stand point. So as my people say ... Stop being an asshole and stop judging me or I will start calling you 'Stacey' regardless of your gender.

So I have recently purchased Spotify Premium ... only because I got it as a student discount which so far is the second positive I have gotten out of UNSW "thus far". The first positive is that I don't have to listen to those GOD AWFUL SPOTIFY ADS that seem to always play right before they actually play the ad and then after the ad ... well played spotify ... well played. I think there should be a button that you can press that says "you're not fooling me Spotify" and then get an award or some food ... specifically a Beef Kebab with lettuce, onions, Tabbouleh and Garlic Sauce.

I hope Spotify reads this not for praise but more for this next question;

WHY DO YOU CYCLE NICKELBACK IN YOUR PLAYLISTS ... STOP IT IMMEDIATELY?! I ALREADY PRESSED THE THUMBS DOWN BUTTON AND THEY ARE STILL IN MY FUCKING CRANIUM!!! If there was ever a way to get me to clear an area it would definitely be a nickelback song ... sorry to insult all the musicians by refering to anything that nickelback does to be a 'song'.


Wait wait wait ... is that why you cycle nickelback on your playlists, so that people like me will choose to skip the song?! Is that why you only put on nickelback when I'm out of skips .... whooooooaaaaaa well fuckin played Spotify you piece of Llama shit ... TAKE MY MONEY!!!

For all two of you that are reading this post, I apologise and would like to offer this potato as a consolation ... the potato ... a participation award of the internet era.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Swimming Upstream

Some people just radiate stupidity, my Uncle Rick is one of them. When I was younger I remember him making me cry because he threw me into a wave as it was crashing into the shore as waves do. I remember looking up from underneath the salty murky foam filled sea water ... I could hear Uncle Rick giggle like a fucking hyena on crack. He reached for me and pulled me out of the water still fucking giggling. My Dad, mad as hell said something like "Why did you jumble jumble blah blah" and he looked at my dad and gave some excuse which I later on in life find out that he said "so he can learn how to swim" ... see what I mean ... Radiates Stupidity. Now this is the first thing I hate in the world ... maybe it has something to do with Uncle Rick, who knows.

The second thing I hate which immediately follows Uncle Rick are STAIRS. I'm unhealthy and old, I seem to now have a bad left knee and lungs that pass for an 80 year old. These things add to the large gulps of breath I have to take as I climb each step in UNSW. I bet you some grad student fresh out of the Landscape Architecture course probably designed it like this. He / She probably thought, watch me make these mufukas suffer muhahahaha. Well whoever you are, I now hate you too!

Here's my section of steps. My thing with this is that I am combining  light and heavy steps. Lets be real here before you start telling me this is wrong. NOBODY is going to bring a bike up a bunch of stairs! Even long stairs, mate it's just not gonna happen. These stairs are what I call realistic stairs that have a functional ramp for the bikes to be brought up on. Abstract that pendejo!




So I'm in the the uni library doing my thing ... I glance at my phone to see what's playing ... It's 'Bad Attraction' by Brad Sucks.
Brad knows what's up 

The title of the album is "I don't know what I'm doing" and as I read the album name, two things come to mind;

1. Did Brad go to UNSW and do the Bachelor of Computational Design
2. My morning coffee didn't have any syrup in it which means Jorge (Hor-Haay) forgot to place it and still charged me the extra 50 cents ... Jorge you're an asshole and don't even use inflation as an excuse when I confront you with this tomorrow morning, coz aint nobody got time fo dat.

For those of you that are wondering ... my baristas name isn't Jorge (Hor-Haay) I just call him Hor-Haay because he looks Mexican and has an accent that isn't Aussie or Asian ... furthermore if you're gonna call me racist, fuck you I get stereo typed all the time because apparently ASIANS cannot listen to Black Sabbath or play the lead role in Braveheart ... and now I'm hungry *facepalm*


here's proof I have been doing the IDDA tuts ... and there's Stacey ... Stacey you look like shit!

Her name is Stacey

So there's a few things I am good at and here's a short list;

  • Over Eating
  • Being the center of attention (NOT on purpose)
  • Attracting the nastiest bitches in the planet (this isn't a good thing for those who think it is)
  • Forgetting my age
  • Dropping my phone on my face

Now here's a few things I am really bad at;

  • Losing weight (I fucking love fried chicken)
  • Paying attention (realistically I think about 18 things while I'm in class one of them is most definitely food)

When I try to create a sphere in sketchup it does this thing where it says "NO" and instead creates a really bad resemblance of an Andy Warhol print that was spat on by Jackson Pollock on a good day. It's moments like this that get me thinking ... "WHY?!". Usually when people ask things like this they arrive at the simple answer of  "because I'm an idiot", "I probably pressed the wrong button" or the most popular being "Don't be so hard on yourself Susan, you're a capable individual". Now me on the other hand am not that simple and in this scenario of sketchup NOT doing what I wanted, I thought "well it must be because I once put ketchup on steak" ... life lessons.

So here's what I have so far of my "practice" sketchup ... I was trying to do the "Peacful" section and clearly failed. You can even see Stacey at the bottom left ... judging me ... fuck you Stacey, you're lucky we need you for reference.

It's fucking late ... I'm sleep deprived and hungry at the same time. Oh and yes I did do the tutorials on sketchup via IDDA ... I'm telling you it's because of the ketchup ... sigh.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

I do know what an Adjective is tho

So I grew up in Penrith which is about an hour from Sydney, give or take. Penrith is the town you live in but don't openly say you live in. It's that Uncle you have that you just don't want to associate yourself with because he has a tendancy to be a little too stupid for your liking and nek-minnit you're in a screaming match because he thought it would be a good idea to sneeze whilst facing your food which just happens to be cake and also the last piece. Good one Uncle Rick you fucking idiot.

So that's how I know what an adjective is ... people say I swear a lot but really I'm using a describing word which in my head makes it acceptable. I can't help it if others like walking around with a carrot up their arse (insert shoulder shrug emoji here).

So here are my OFFICIAL 18 sections.









Why would I know what a Noun is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I feel like I'm going to be using the shoulder shrug emoji quite a bit. So I'm doing my sections for ARCH1101 and I'm feeling good about them. They are 18 specific sketches that we have to do and they have to be based off my last post about Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs. I show my cousin who just happens to be an English teacher and wouldn't you guess ... I was wrong about what a noun and a verb is ... sigh. So here are the sketches that are incorrect because we all make mistakes and we all deserve second chances ... well not everyone ... Jorge doesn't deserve a second chance because he put vanilla syrup in my morning coffee instead of hazelnut ... and you pronounce his name HOR-HAAY because he's from Mexico. Fuckin Jorge ...

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Before 1st Class ... kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Noun = Peaceful
Adjective = Vintage
Verb = Cruise

Noun = Leather
Adjective = Dusty
Verb = Stomp

Noun = Pouch
Adjective = Pretentious
Verb = Contain

Thursday, 1 March 2018

We are all Stardust

Twinkle Twinkle Little Ball of Gas

I once knew a guy (Matt) who grew mini weed pots in his basement in Canada and sold them for $5 a pop. A real simple guy who I used to work with in a screen printing company. He used to get into so much trouble (Not drug related). It was like he was a magnet for all things that could go wrong. But the thing is, he was probably one of the most optimistic people I've ever met. He had a scruff in his voice and smoked like an old person ready to die. His motto was a classic Canadian styled "Ah whatever Eh?!" I fucking hated that job. I once had to stay up for three days straight printing shirts and winter clothing all because the time schedule was wrong and then one thing led to another and the boss just looked at me and said that I had better fix it or I would be deported. Fuck that guy ... Jefrey with one "f". I did stay up for three days and it was thanks to Matt's solution of drinking alcohol periodically until the job was done. Shortly after the three day stint I ended up in the emergency room due to exhaustion. But if Matt wasn't there to help, I would not have had a blast ... thanks Matt, hope you're still alive. Oh and the picture was taken in the backyard of my parents home ... I like stars ... sometimes I like tequila too but I most definitely love dogs more than people. 💀


Walden House


For me, this is the greatest piece of architecture that was ever made. It was designed and built by Henry David Thoreau (You can google him). It's a simple small house that he built by himself and lived in for two years. Away from the bustle of the city, nestled by a lake. His motivation is what makes this such a great piece of architecture. It isn't all about four walls and a roof ... sometimes great architecture is a die hard motivation to stick it to "The Man" (you can google that too but I think Urban Dictionary not Merriam Webster). 💀

A book brought me here ...


Having to pull a rabbit out of a hat is not an easy thing to do, especially when you don't have a hat and don't do any magic of any kind. Magic is whoever decided to make bacon, mmmmmm bacon. Whoever started it probably didn't even know what bacon could become. It was all out of necessity. Much like the above work ... I was given a toothpick and was told to make magic with it. I still resent the boss I had at the time, I'm also glad this venture of his went bust (his fault). Don't be a dick to your employees, especially the ones who can make magic with a toothpick. 💀