Wednesday, 14 March 2018

I do know what an Adjective is tho

So I grew up in Penrith which is about an hour from Sydney, give or take. Penrith is the town you live in but don't openly say you live in. It's that Uncle you have that you just don't want to associate yourself with because he has a tendancy to be a little too stupid for your liking and nek-minnit you're in a screaming match because he thought it would be a good idea to sneeze whilst facing your food which just happens to be cake and also the last piece. Good one Uncle Rick you fucking idiot.

So that's how I know what an adjective is ... people say I swear a lot but really I'm using a describing word which in my head makes it acceptable. I can't help it if others like walking around with a carrot up their arse (insert shoulder shrug emoji here).

So here are my OFFICIAL 18 sections.









1 comment:

  1. Louie. I'm coming to look forward to each of your posts!
    Good work on reworking the sections, glad to see you're enjoying the process/product. Please try to get the sketchup posts done before Thursday. See my blog for latest guidance. Chris.
